Table Relation field and Database Testing

slmaluwaslmaluwa Member Posts: 366
Hi there
I have a doubt. Say, for a field in a table, I have a conditional Table Relation.
Eg: Cust. Ledger Entry
I modify Field No 50 "Reason Code" to have a table relation as
IF (Document Type=FILTER(Refund)) "Reason Code".Code ELSE IF (Document Type=FILTER(Credit Memo)) "Other Reason".Code

and then, when I test the table for a "Test Field relationship between tables", will NAV use the logic in Table Relation property? Currently, It doesn't seem so!
"A bove maiore discit arare minor"-"From the old ox, the young one learns to plow."


  • slmaluwaslmaluwa Member Posts: 366

    Actually It works. I was using two sessions. I modified the table in one session and test in another. Obviously that is very wrong. When I re-opened the database and tested, I see the errors are gone (so, NAV considers Table Relation condition).
    "A bove maiore discit arare minor"-"From the old ox, the young one learns to plow."
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