Automatisation for Periodic Activities Inventory

elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191

momentanly we run Daily follow Periodic Activities:

Adjust Costs - Item Entries
Post Inventory Costs to G/L

Its Possible Automatize the Run of this two things ?

We don't have Automatisation Server or Modul for Automatize any Reports etc...

Perhaps it exists other way to do it



  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    No way how to do it without modifications and customizations... but it is not so hard to create such a Adjust. scheduler... (or you can buy it from someone :-)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
    kine wrote:
    No way how to do it without modifications and customizations... but it is not so hard to create such a Adjust. scheduler... (or you can buy it from someone :-)

    Where we can buy one of this Schedulers?
    Or any Tipps in what way i must look for create one?

    All that can do self does fixed the job :mrgreen:

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I made such a scheduler, but it is not hard:

    You need only codeunit which will in given time start the reports (and log the start and end of the job - for example with help of Navision Timer automation)

    And you need to add some function into the reports to be able to pass parameters into them (to be able to run them without request form).

    And you can add some table with setup for the jobs (date and time when run, with which parameters etc.)

    And if you make this to be able to run it from Application Server, you have automatic scheduler with logging of errors etc... :-)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
    Well, i think i try make some automation by self, for sure is interessant projekt and varied from my every live day :-s , if all else fails we must buy some solution for do it.

    Thanks for you answers.
  • elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
    Well i have a Codeunit what runs the 2 Periodic Activities in One Step without Request Forms :) .

    Now I will go to look how i can make the Automation.

    It's right that with C/Front isn't Possible execute a Codeunit?

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Yes, it is true. But you need for example one CU set as SingleInstance with one variable of type automation Navision Timer with Events, and after you run this codeunit and the time in it, you can run it in client or in Application server and it will be test date and time of start and if it is time to run the reports, call only the rutine and it is done...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
    kine wrote:
    Yes, it is true. But you need for example one CU set as SingleInstance with one variable of type automation Navision Timer

    Hmm. i try understand this :oops: ...
    Apart from my CU that i make , i need other CU set as SingleInstance with one Variable of type Automation Navision Timer?

    Can it be that we don't have Licence for Automation Variables ? Because i don't see that Type when i look in DataTypes from C/AL Global Vars, or i look in wrong place. :-k

    Now im reading the Online help (in englisch ](*,) ) because i think i have not understand right how are used this automation things.

    And for Running the CU (After set Automation Var) i can do this from NAV Client and i don't need Application Server?

    Thanks for you patience
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    1) Yes, if you do not see the Automation type, yo do not have the needed granule... you can use than some loop or OnTimer on some form... but you are not able to catch error than (Navision Timer automation have event OnError with string parameter with the error message)...

    2) May be that you need only one CU, set as singleinstance. It depend, how you will call the code. I used two, because I need run the code through run function of the CU (because I used if then... statement to not have error messages), but it is not needed.

    You can go around the problem with the granule, if your NSC create the variable for you in the codeunit...

    3) and Yes, you do not need Application server to run the codeunit. You can run it in client... application server is actually only client without GUI frontend...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
    Hmm. Our NSC say me that Automation Server is integrated in our licence , and that for more servers we need upgrade licence, and for run one Codeunit automated the licence must be okay.

    But i don't understand because i don't see DataType Automation Variable :(
    I Have yet ask our NSC what is wrong, but how ever, i'm still wait for the answer...

    Well, we see if today we can do anything.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    There is some misunderstand between you and the NSC - you are talking about C/OCX granule and they are speaking about Application Server granule...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
    Perhaps you can se me what GranuleId is required, i think so i see better if we have it or not.

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Granule ID is 1,750 - C/OCX
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • elToritoelTorito Member Posts: 191
    kine wrote:
    Granule ID is 1,750 - C/OCX

    Perhaps i have now understand better after get more infos :)

    The Application Server Alone isn't enough for run an Automation?
    For run Automation Server we need Granule ID 1,750 C/OCX ?

    I Have now the NAS running. But i don't check for what i can it need.

    In Codeunit 1 is a Trigger(Function?) NASHandler with ID 99.

    In what Documentation i can find examples ?
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Look into NAS documentation or search downloads and forums on this site... there are examples and posts about it...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
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