Hi, I have some problem with adding Source Name (Text 50) field in Page: Item Ledger Entries
I'm doing this:
1. Add Global variable Source Name in Page
2. In properties of Source Name, in Table Relation property I'm creating this:
IF (Source Type=CONST(Customer)) Customer.Name WHERE (No.=FIELD(Source No.)) ELSE IF (Source Type=CONST(Vendor)) Vendor.Name WHERE (No.=FIELD(Source No.))
First Where No. (No. from Customer Table) and second Where No. (from Vendor Table)
But nothing happens??
Also I want to apologize for posting my question in wrong module. ](*,)
Regards to all
And for the lookup, I dunno if you can do an IF, where the true part would be customer and the false part vendor.
something like:
IF ( SourceName=Customer,
Lookup(Customer.Name WHERE(No.=FIELD(Source No.))), <- True part
Lookup(Vendor.Name WHERE (No.=FIELD(Source No.))) <- False part
Don't know exactly the right method, or even if it will work.
You can even try to do the lookup formula as a textfield and assign to that field the lookup according to the right calculation...
You have open my eyes
Regards to all