About the field Open in the Item Ledger Entry table

poppinspoppins Member Posts: 647
Hi everyone,
I want to know the signification of field Open in the Item Ledger Entry table.
I have an article with an entry in the Item Ledger entry table with the following information :
Document Type= Sales Shipment 
Open= TRUE
Quantity= -3
Remaining Quantity= -3
Invoiced Quantity= -3
Applies-to-entry= 0
Completely Invoiced= TRUE

I am really confused.What does all that mean?


  • mohana_cse06mohana_cse06 Member Posts: 5,506
    This field shows whether the entry has been fully applied to.

    A check mark in the field means that the entry has not yet been fully applied to. If this is the case, you can see the quantity that must still be applied to in the Remaining Quantity field.

    The field can be updated by a subsequent application.
  • poppinspoppins Member Posts: 647
    This field shows whether the entry has been fully applied to.

    A check mark in the field means that the entry has not yet been fully applied to. If this is the case, you can see the quantity that must still be applied to in the Remaining Quantity field.

    The field can be updated by a subsequent application.
    Thanks for your answer...but how to do that? I mean how to apply?
  • slmaluwaslmaluwa Member Posts: 366
    poppins wrote:
    This field shows whether the entry has been fully applied to.

    A check mark in the field means that the entry has not yet been fully applied to. If this is the case, you can see the quantity that must still be applied to in the Remaining Quantity field.

    The field can be updated by a subsequent application.
    Thanks for your answer...but how to do that? I mean how to apply?

    Completely Invoiced: This field shows if the entry has been fully invoiced or if more posted invoices are expected. Only completely invoiced entries can be revalued. It is only used internally by the program.

    Since this is a negative quantity, i suspect this post may have resulted in negative inventory for that article in that location. if that is the case, when you post a positive entry such as a purchase next time, this will be adjusted.
    "A bove maiore discit arare minor"-"From the old ox, the young one learns to plow."
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