I'm working in a company which has 7 companies inside Dynamics NAV. Most of them are only using accounting module. They've just created a new company which it's going to work with a own module based on contacts module. As they need to work with contacts already created in the "master" company, I need to share them between companies.
I thought about using "DataPerCompany" property but I read about many problems that might occur. Then I look into about how to synchronize companies and I found the code below:
If not Item2.insert THEN
UNTIL Comp.NEXT = 0;
where "comp" is a record from 2000000006 table "Company"
I'm not pretty sure that how to use this because contacts can be created by standard Contacts Form or with a Form from that own development, which uses .INSERT and .VALIDATE methods. Then, must I use this code in OnInsert trigger? in OnValidate trigger? In both?
Everybody seems to be afraid of 'shared tables' .... I use it a lot and I would recommend it in this case too.
I use very often within 1 database with plural companies the tables Vendor, Customer, Item as 'Shared tables'. All ledger entry tables should NOT be shared. It works....
I would do this with "contact' too.... I do not see any major problem.
Saluti Raymond
Unless you include all related tables you're gonna end up with problems sooner or later.
Also, consider the situation where you've set DataPerCompany=No for the Customer table (or another table with related ledger entries). If you delete the Customer in one of your companies, you could be left with orphaned ledger entries in another -> one hell of a mess.
Senior NAV Developer
Elbek & Vejrup
Unless you include all related tables you're gonna end up with problems sooner or later.
Also, consider the situation where you've set DataPerCompany=No for the Customer table (or another table with related ledger entries). If you delete the Customer in one of your companies, you could be left with orphaned ledger entries in another -> one hell of a mess.
Senior NAV Developer
Elbek & Vejrup