select a line in a subform and pass values on the line

kikkomankikkoman Member Posts: 57
hello everyone,

on the sales order form, i want to be able to select (highlight) a line in the subform, which is table Sales Order Subform and then hit a button, and then from there pass the values on the line and do something. for example, on the line, Type=item and No.=123, then when i highlight the line and hit my button, it will pass Type, No. and whatever else fields i need.

i have created a new function in my subform, with lets say in my example with 2 parameters. so when i hit the button on the main form,


my new fn will run and get passed the 2 fields i need.

the problem is that the values are NOT the values on the Line but instead the value of the Sales Header record instead of the Sales Line record.

how do i select the values of the LINE and not the header?
i could just pass the header "No." field which is the primary key for table Sales Header and then filter my Sales Line table by that number, but i don't know how to tell Navision the line i want is the one selected? so therefore i won't be able to filter the sales line table b/c i don't know how to retreive the highlighted line?

it might just be a simple native function that i don't know about...or something simple, but i can't figure it out!!! ](*,)

any help is greatly appreciated..


  • kikkomankikkoman Member Posts: 57
    nm, i figured it out \:D/

    geez...i don't even need to pass any parameters...the code


    will automatically filter the line that i'm on... so if i'm on line = 40000
    then when i get into my new function on the subform, the code already knows that is my filter.... DOH!!!!
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