Flowfields consume sumindexfields. To define a flowfield, you first have to define the sumindexfield. In C/AL you can then use the CALCFIELD command to calculate the flow field (The Inventory field on the Item for instance). CALCSUMS consumes a sumindexfield as well, without having to define a flowfield. You can do a CALCSUM on the same field in the Item Ledger table, you'd only have to instantiate the ILE table as a variable, instead of a variable with the Item table. CALCSUMS are all over the place.
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
It has to be a sumindexfield, not a flowfield.
All right. Did not know that. :oops:
Do you know where in standard NAV this is used?
Tino Ruijs
Microsoft Dynamics NAV specialist
First example that comes to my mind is Amount field on G/L Entry: it's part of a SumIndexField but is not a FlowField.