How to filter Cust name using special char?

casanovacasanova Member Posts: 194
edited 2014-07-05 in NAV Three Tier
hi all
i want to filter cust name started by special char
E.g : %!@#$%^&*)

I use this code, but it wont work..
because field name only 50 chars
CustSpecChar := '`*|~*|!*|@*|#*|$*|%*|^*|&*|(*|)*|_*|-*|+*|=*|{*|[*|}*|]*|\*|:*|;*|<*|,*|>*|.*|?*|/*|0*|1*|2*|3*|4*|5*|6*|7*|8*|9*';

any idea??


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