position of control in RTC

maurelemaurele Member Posts: 2
edited 2014-07-03 in NAV Three Tier
hello all!
in the nav 2013 development course, it's said: "You cannot explicitly specify positionning and sizing of a control".
I want to make sure i understand what this means:
I have two pages page1 and page2.
Page1 is a document page with ribbon and all.
Page2 is a part of page1
I want page2 to contain just a group of text boxes and buttons(actions) with a particular shape(ex rectangular) and color.
An example of what i want to achieve with page2 is a page looking like a calculator.
Can i achieve this with nav development only, if not where should i look at to achieve this?


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    What you read is true. You are not giving coordinates and width/height to the textboxes etc. You are just saying metadata like this field will be in same group with this and this field and will be behind this field and before this (order). There will be two groups of fields, named A and B... etc.

    How it will be "rendered" is on the client. This way allows NAV to display same data on different display targets like windows client or web client (may be some mobile client in future etc.).

    Buttons (actions) are defined in similar way. Just saying the groups etc. and they are displayed in the ribbon automatically.

    All this is done in this way because for the ERP it is in most cases enough. Special requirements could be done outside the system (dotnet etc.) or by Addin (JavaScript).
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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