Invoices having service tax cannot be applied to another inv

navuser1navuser1 Member Posts: 1,334
Dear All,

I am facing the below error message
Invoices having service tax cannot be applied to another invoice.
during Posting a Sales Invoice.

NAV 2013 R2 IN Version

Please help.
Now or Never


  • OrunOrun Member Posts: 13
    One of our client also facing same error message in NAV 2013 R 2 with India Localization. The error message is "Invoices having the service tax cannot be applied to another invoices"

    If anyone has the solution, please provide the same.
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    Have you checked the field on Application tab. They must not have reference to any invoice.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • OrunOrun Member Posts: 13
    Thanks SSingla for response,

    No there is no reference in application field. As I have mentioned 'Apply to oldest' in customer card there is no need to assign any document in sales invoice against Application.

    The functionality is a base navision functionality and was working fine in 4SP 3. I guess the problem is either for new functionality of Reverse charge or STax on advance payment.
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    I was suspecting it before replying and may be its true. Can you change the "application method" on customer to "Manual"
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • OrunOrun Member Posts: 13
    :) Mr. Singla,

    Changing 'Application method' to 'Manual' can't possible because client is a renowned Club and it has huge member. It is not feasible to apply the customer ledger entry manually. Though we know manual application will not throw the error.

    In simple sense 'Application' means application of 'Payment' with Invoice or vice versa(depending upon order of entry). We don't understand why system going to apply an invoice against an invoice. And this is happen only invoice with service tax.
  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    Orun wrote:
    Changing 'Application method' to 'Manual' can't possible because client is a renowned Club and it has huge member. It is not feasible to apply the customer ledger entry manually. Though we know manual application will not throw the error.
    If what you are saying is correct then its a bug :bug: .
    You have 2 options a) Log it with Microsoft thru Partner Source b) Ask your technical consultant to look into this and resolve it.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • OrunOrun Member Posts: 13
    In customer master against application it is set to " Applied to oldest"

    The scenario is as under

    Scenario :1
    As on today (11/07/2014) User post a payment (there is no service tax on advance payment)entry from a Customer with posting date 01/07/2014. After that user wants to post a Sales Invoice (with service tax) posting date of which is 11/07/2014, system throwing error "Invoices having service tax cannot be applied to another invoice".

    Scenario 2

    As on today (11/07/2014) User post a Sales Invoice for Customer with posting date 05/07/2014. After that user wants to post a Sales Invoice (with service tax) posting date of which is 11/07/2014, system throwing error "Invoices having service tax cannot be applied to another invoice".

    As on today (11/07/2014) User post a payment (there is no service tax on advance payment)entry from a Customer with posting date 01/07/2014 and a Sales Invoice with posting date 10/07/2014. After that user wants to post a Sales Invoice (with service tax) posting date of which is 11/07/2014, system throwing error "Invoices having service tax cannot be applied to another invoice".

    Please help how to get rid of it.
  • vijay_gvijay_g Member Posts: 884

    It might be some bug with the MS released hotfix/Patch. Can you check which service tax reverse charge patch applied in your database? As i know there are two reverse charge patch has been released by MS.
    hi all,
    I already been accomplished pilot run for service tax reverse charge in MS Nav 2013 R2.
    and everything is working fine and no gap is found. even i customized independently reverse charge on Nav 2009 sp1

    Avneet Wadhwa
  • navuser1navuser1 Member Posts: 1,334
    Have you gone through (created) the scenario described in the earlier post (dated Fri Jul 11, 2014 11:34 am)??
    Now or Never
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