Unable to delete a table

poppinspoppins Member Posts: 647
Hi everyone,
I am trying to delete a table and getting the following error message:
The XXX table contains a field that has a SQL Server data type that cannot be manipulated by Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic within the current activity:

Field: Date PV | BI
SQL Type: ?
What shall I do?
If I try to delete it from SQL Server, would it affect the stability of the system?
Thanks in advance :)


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    I cannot really answer you question about the stability of NAV, but here is, what I'd do:

    First of all, do you have any idea as to why the table might be incompatible to NAV? Base any decisions on the answer to this question.
    • Is there a backup with consistent table structure? Is is feasable to restore that, either to continue working from that or as a source of information as to how the table should look like?
    • Try to recompile / modify the table from NAV's development environment.
    • Is it a per-company table? Do you have more than one company? Is the SQL table structure identical for all companies? If no, drop the different one and recreate it according to the pattern you get from the remaining one(s) on SQL.
    • Alter the table on SQL such that the Field in question matches the NAV type
    • Drop the table, then delete it from NAV. If that fails, try to recreate the SQL table from within NAV by recompiling. If that fails also recreate the table from within SQL. If you could not determine the proper structure from any of the steps above, create a new database and import a fob of the table into that database.
  • william_akihisawilliam_akihisa Member Posts: 14
    i see you created table from sql server and using field type that not recognized by navision server. if that is custom table you need to completely remove any linking and reading from pages/form/report to that table and then truncate them to safely drop table from sql server. if you want to try delete it from navision server, try compile it first, if error doesn't shows up then you could delete it manually from designer pane.
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