Displaying Unit Price along with Discounted Price on Invoice

howieb4howieb4 Member Posts: 28
edited 2014-06-29 in NAV Three Tier
Hi. I not versed in Visual Studio or Report Builder, but I am thinking this should be a simple mod. The Sales invoice currently just prints the net price that the customer is paying, whether there is a line discount or not. But I would like to print on the Invoice the Unit Price from the Item card and then the discounted price. I can't seem to find the field to add to the report to make this happen. There is a UnitPriceToPrint but that's doesn't do what I want.

Can anyone tell me what fields need to be added to the report, or point me to a previous posting that addresses this, or a similar one?

Thanks in advance


  • BocaBryanBocaBryan Member Posts: 3
    I'm pretty new myself, but here goes.

    You bring over the price from the item card.

    Open up the report in design mode. Under the DataItem "Sales Invoice Line" add a new DataItem and select the Item table as the table. Highlight it and select Properties. Under DataItemLink, link the "No." field on the item card to the "No." field on the sales invoice line.

    Then highlight that data item and click "Field Menu" and add the "Unit Price" field.

    Now when you go into visual studio, that field will be available to chose.

    Hope this helps.
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