How to force Javascript add-in to use default layout?

justinaspetraviciusjustinaspetravicius Member Posts: 14
edited 2014-06-27 in NAV Three Tier
I'm talking about NAV 2013 R2.

My add-in is a text box + button.

if I create add-in with C# it works only with windows client, if it's created with Javascript - it works on both - web & windows clients.

If I create design for C# add-in with visual studio designer - it seamlessly integrates with nav, looks like all other controls, scales up and down perfect, it layouts perfectly if I use caption property (then caption is added by nav before my add-in)

If I create Javascript add-in then I have to style everything by hand with CSS. It looks awful, because it doesn't integrate (by visual design) into any page. There is no style guide. There is no (at least I do not know any way) possibility to use caption property (so that caption would be generated and added by nav itself). I have to add caption by hand into HTML code.

Any advice how to integrate visual design of javascript add-in?
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