Error repeat the delivery address (Sales Order)

vnprocvnproc Member Posts: 41
edited 2014-06-26 in NAV Three Tier
Dear EveryBody !!!

I'm sorry, my english is not very good.

Currently I create a report with the following table: Sales Header, Sales Lines, Ship-to Address

Table Ship-to Address: contains delivery location information

Customer No.| Code | Name | Address | city | Phone

MSD0001 1 PHAN AN 74 Nguyen Van A HN 8408565458
MSD0001 2 TRAN BNA 100 Tran Van B SG 8404253456

Notice : Sales Header.Ship-to Code = Ship-to Address.Code

Table Sales Header : Order Date, No., Sell-to Customer No., Sell-to Customer Name, Sell-to Customer Name 2,Ship-to Address, Ship-to Address 2, Ship-to City, Status, Ship-to Code

Table Sales Lines : Planned Shipment Date, Type, No., Description, Location Code, Unit of Measure, Quantity

DataItemLinkReference : <Sales Header>
DataItemLink : Document No.=FIELD(No.),Sell-to Customer No.=FIELD(Sell-to Customer No.)

Table Ship-to Address : Name, Address, City, Phone

DataItemLinkReference : <Sales Lines>
DataItemLink : Customer No.=FIELD(Sell-to Customer No.)

After reporting the fault information table repeated 2 times, means if the table Address Ship to how many delivery locations will show up at all.
While the information in the Sales Header chose Ship-to Code = 1

Please everybody help me fix it

Thanks so much.
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