Could anyone be helpful and confirm/explain the steps needed to go from 4.03 (SQL2005 SP3) -> 2013R2 (SQL2008R2).
1. Upgrade objects from 4.03 to 2009 R2. Transform pages, convert existing reports to RDCL, identify other customizations etc. Upgrade objects and data.
2. Upgrade 2009R2 to 2013. Upgrade objects and data.
3. Upgrade to 2013R2. Upgrade objects and data.
Can I go directly from 2009R2 to 2013R2?
No, you can't. First you have to go through 2013, no skipping here.
Please don't use that toolkit. You'll face a lot of problems and it will be simpler and more reliable to simply do 2009R2 -> 2013 -> 2013R2
2009R2 -> 2013 -> 2013R2.
All upgrades will go through 2013. It's just executable upgrade step. You should be fine.
Independent Consultant/Developer
blog: https://dynamicsuser.net/nav/b/ara3n
If the layouts are complex, then you might be better off deleting the layout and starting from scratch.
For NAV standard reports, it is usually better to start with the 2013R2 report and customize it.
None of the section code will move over - some people put a lot of code in sections. Plus any form references will need to be removed before you upgrade the reports in 2013. (They will not compile.)
Sorry, I've mistaken it with other tool. This one is fine - we used this one. But it's written in the link, also we have done it - you can't skip 2013, the process is 2009R2 -> 2013 -> 2013R2, it's impossible to skip 2013 in this upgrade process.