Multiple instance automatically stopped

WitchesWitches Member Posts: 4
edited 2014-06-20 in NAV Three Tier
Dear all,

I installed NAV 2013 R2 and created instance for it. It worked few month. And then I need to create few more instance on the same Server but different database. I created it:
Instance2 port 7056
Instance3 port 7066
I'm running them, and after one minutes they stopped automatically. In windows event log no errors or warning. The first instance (port 7046) running no matter what. if I stoped first instance, and than try to run Instance2 or Instance3 or both they still stopped after 1 minut.

Does anybody have this problem?


  • vremeni4vremeni4 Member Posts: 323

    For some strange reason the event viewer is sometimes not updated with the error messages produced by NAV Server.
    I did not have time to investigate the reason, as it only happened for one installation, but it looks like it is related to the windows security NAV Server does not have permissions to write in the event viewer.

    I would check the SQL Server log to see if there are any issues there.
    Common reasons why NAV Server does not start:
    - the user (usually NETWORK SERVICES) used to start NAV Server does not have db_owner access on the database.
    - The user (usually NETWORK SERVICES) does not have access in NAV.
    - The http Name space http://+:7056/Instance2/ is not enabled for the user (usually NETWORK SERVICES) . You can use netsh to correct this.
    - There is something wrong in the configuration file, e.g. wrong database.

    I hope this helps.
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