"unit costs" on the item card are changed in code?

mdPartnerNLmdPartnerNL Member Posts: 802
I have a requirement to import orders from an external system and use diff. "unit costs" per item/orderline.

For this a have agreed to only do this if the "unit costs" on the item card are 0 but somehow in time, the "unit costs" on the card are modified to a diff. value. Is there a function in code which updates this? Costing method is FIFO..


  • vivek4121vivek4121 Member Posts: 165
    I think you are not able to change the unit cost on item card to 0.

    Though at time it changes accordingly, depending upon the expected or actual Receipts (Direct Unit Costs on Purchase Orders).

    If you want to update the same there is batch jobs available for that "Adjust Cost - Item Entries" and Adjust Item Costs/Prices.

    This will help you updating your unit cost on Item card, till your last receipt was done.

  • mdPartnerNLmdPartnerNL Member Posts: 802
    that's correct, you cannot change unit costs on the item card.

    So which function is changing it?

    Though at time it changes accordingly, depending upon the expected or actual Receipts (Direct Unit Costs on Purchase Orders).

    They don't use purchase orders at this moment (NAV is only used for customer open invoices).
  • vivek4121vivek4121 Member Posts: 165
    There is not any specific function for this.

    If NAV is used only for open customer Invoices, then how Items Inventory are updated in the NAV, as for selling the Items through Invoices as well, you require the Items required quanitty, I guess. Correct me if I am wrong.
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    As far as I remember, unit cost is modified if you post any transaction that brings inventory from <= 0 to >0 or whenever the item's cost is fully adjusted.
  • vivek4121vivek4121 Member Posts: 165
    Please elaborate your term here "the item's cost is fully adjusted." ??
  • srinivas.chittemsrinivas.chittem Member Posts: 142

    Go to Item Card and Drill down Unit Cost field. Check the closing entry then you will come to know why Unit Cost is changed
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