How to add companies from different databases to multitenant

BlackBirdBlackBird Member Posts: 52
edited 2014-06-12 in NAV Three Tier
Hi everyone,

We're in the process of creating a cloud environment with a multitenantsetup. For this we have created a tenant structure with a applicationdatabase and one tenant called 'Default' based on our add-on database.

We want to move customer companies from their stand alone installations to this cloudenvironment by creating new tenants per customer and add all existing companies to that tenant. These customerdatabases all have the same applicationobjects as our add-on database.

We are trying to figure out what the best way is to achieve this.

There are a number of how-to video's that explain how to create a multitenant environment from 1 database en move the companies from this database to 1 or more tenant.
What are the (best?, easiest?) steps to create tenants from companies that come from different databases?

What are your experiences and can you please share them?




  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    I had no own experience but I think it should be: switch the DB from single tenant to multitenat, than dismount the company database, mount on the target multi-tenant system. In this way migrate all the dtabases. It means take it as you have many multitenat systems and you are moving databases between them...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • BlackBirdBlackBird Member Posts: 52
    Hi Kamil,

    Thanks for your insites. This is indeed the way we do it now.

    On the cloud server we use a default instance for running the customer database. We seperate the application objects en customer data from this database. Then we mount the customer database as a new tenant on the multitenant instance.

    I'm curious to know if there are partners that already use the multitenant setup.
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