Role of a Substitute Item in Consumption Journal

navuser1navuser1 Member Posts: 1,334
Dear All,

The following error message is occurred when I try to consume the rest quantity of the Substitute Item (Item same but different variant) through the Consumption Journal in NAV 2009 R2.

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Classic
Remaining Qty. (Base) must be 7,500 in Prod. Order Component Status='Released',Prod. Order No.='R-PO/13-14/581',Prod. Order Line No.='10000',Line No.='10000'. Current Value is 3,699.31

What is the reason ? Kindly reply.
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  • navuser1navuser1 Member Posts: 1,334
    Suppose to produce an Item A we require to consume an Item B (Variant x) & Item B (Variant x) has a Substitute Item Called Item B (Variant y).

    Production equation:
    Output : Input = 1:1

    In a case 50% Item B (Variant x) has been consumed to produce an Item A (50%) & I want to consume rest 50% of another Item B (Variant y), substitute item to complete the Production.

    Is it possible ?
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  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    I am not manufacturing expert but I don't think this is possible (not without customization). The Production Order Component lines are made for base component and substitute item does not exist there.

    Even customization has to be properly planned & tested due to costing issues. When Adjust Cost batch job is run it refers to production order and its line and its component. You might have to customize the costing routine as well which is not going to be easy...
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • navuser1navuser1 Member Posts: 1,334
    The error massage clearly indicates that the rest/part consumption Quantity of a different Item (Substitute in this case) rather than the actual raw material (as per BOM) is not to be considered....

    The Substitute feature will only serve its purpose when there is no consumption made for that Particular Item..

    This is my assumption. May be I'm right. :?:

    Determination of COST of a FG Item should be derived from the cost of consumed materials and when there is no other (over head) cost is considered or counted.

    Edited previous Scenario :

    50% Item B (Variant x) (Cost $100/Qty) has been consumed to produce an Item A (50%) & I want to consume rest 50% of another Item B (Variant y) ((Cost $200/Qty), substitute item to complete the Production.

    Valuation of FG Item

    The cost of FG Item = 50% cost of Item B (Variant x) + 50% cost of Item B (Variant y) = $150/Qty

    Why doesn't the Costing Batch consider this changes ?
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  • ssinglassingla Member Posts: 2,973
    navuser1 wrote:
    Edited previous Scenario : 50% Item B (Variant x) (Cost $100/Qty) has been consumed to produce an Item A (50%) & I want to consume rest 50% of another Item B (Variant y) ((Cost $200/Qty), substitute item to complete the Production.
    You will have to create a version of BOM and then create a new production order. Production order will not consider multiple items as a single component.
    navuser1 wrote:
    Valuation of FG ItemThe cost of FG Item = 50% cost of Item B (Variant x) + 50% cost of Item B (Variant y) = $150/QtyWhy doesn't the Costing Batch consider this changes ?

    I can't tell why but AFAIK costing batch job considers the production order component lines and if substitute item does not exist then it will throw and error. In my humble opinion it is doing it correctly.
    CA Sandeep Singla
  • navuser1navuser1 Member Posts: 1,334
    ssingla wrote:
    You will have to create a version of BOM and then create a new production order. Production order will not consider multiple items as a single component.

    Creation of a New version BOM and then Production Order will not fulfill the purpose of my previous Production Order to complete.

    How to complete this one, is the main point of this thread ? :-k

    ssingla wrote:
    I can't tell why but AFAIK costing batch job considers the production order component lines and if substitute item does not exist then it will throw and error. In my humble opinion it is doing it correctly.
    Why does The Costing Batch job consider the component lines rather than Item Ledger Entry Tabledata which are created from the consumption Journal ? :roll:
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