Missing Performance counters

PhennoPhenno Member Posts: 630
edited 2014-06-06 in NAV Three Tier
I'm stuck with missing Microsoft Dynamics NAV (2013 R2) performance counters in Windows 2008 R2.

I've tried every suggestion from: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=53505 including:
- rebuild counters,
- checked users in performance counters gorups,
- checked registry for DisablePerformanceCounter (but I see service Microsoft Dynamics NAV with Performance folder),
- checked default client/management port for NAV instance.

I do not have problem with web clients or similar, just cannot see NAV performance counters in performance monitor. Reinstall of NAV2013 due to large number of instances is not an option at this moment but maybe I could do repair?


  • PhennoPhenno Member Posts: 630
    To add more info, installation in on a single machine, no active directory, NAV service started by separate account (not network service).
  • PhennoPhenno Member Posts: 630
    Finally solved it out with a help from these articles:
    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library ... 85%29.aspx (Adding Performance Counters)
    http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library ... 85%29.aspx (Deleting Performance Counters)

    It appeared that there was no original performance counters ini files in my Windows dir so rebuild of counters didn't help. Once I got them from the another installation, I still couldn't manage it to load them with loadctr command until I set both wixperf.ini and wixperf.h files in to the same folder.

    Final step was to restart server (restart of performance services didn't help).

    I suppose the cause of missing counters was in installing NAV2013 R2 over NAV2013.
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