Hi all,
First post but a long time reader.. \:D/
I got an interesting licensing problem to consider...

I've a customer (we are the VAR for this customer) which has a rather big BRL BE license.
This customer now wants to buy the Solution developer and application builder granule. Now - because these granules can only be in BRL AM license we have 2 options that I can think off:
1. transition the license to BRL AM license which will cost in the 6 figure range + the solution developer granules
2. buy a new BRL AM license with only the foundation pack and then the solution developer granules and all the same number of objects and ISV granules. That means that programmer that is developing in the database just changes his license to this BRL AM "DEV" license just like the normal partner has a DEV license and then when he needs to test the functionality that he developed he has to change the license on his client back to the BRL BE license.
The question is - is option number 2 a possibility? Has MS installed some protections against this way of doing things? I've asked MS Operations but they won't help me at all - probably don't have a clue about this anyway... :roll:
Am I missing a third option?