Is there a fuctionality to show all object dependencies?

dhodho Member Posts: 6
edited 2014-06-01 in NAV Three Tier
(NAV 2009)


My NAV experience is somewhat limited, but with other ERM/CRM products I been working with we had some form of functionality to show object dependencies. I.E. A product specific header and order tables are created before I started in the company. I need to know what objects are using these tables in order to update translate fieldnames and options(not just captions) language from local language to English. This will enable international developers to assist upgrading and implementing additional features.

So the challenge is. How do I find all the other tables, reports, pages (and old forms), ports and codeunits that is somehow linked to these tables? In my previous experience I could just right click the table and select "Show dependencies" but I understand this process is probably not shipped with the product. Is there a 3th party tool I could use?

So far I been exporting large portions of the objects to txt files and searching for object ID. Not very effective or accurate.

Any suggestion would be much appreciated. Thanks :thumbsup:


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