How do the public baseurl's work?

PoltergeistPoltergeist Member Posts: 200
edited 2014-05-25 in NAV Three Tier
When installing NAV2013(r2?) one is given the possibility to add public base URL's for the RoleTailored client, webservice, Odata and management. However, It does not seem to do anything:

I would like to change the webserviceURL, as I reroute it from HTTPS to HTTP, and from a public URL to a local computer. If I use the URL
[url=HTTPS://webservices.domain.tld:8443/DynamicsNAV71/WS/Services]HTTPS://webservices.domain.tld:8443/Dyn ... S/Services[/url], it goes to the proper server, and I can get data from that URL. However, the reported URL's are wrong: it returns the default URL (like http://servername:7047/DynamicsNAV71/WS/Services.

I was in the assumption that changing the PublicsoapbaseURL in the customsettings.config for that service from <add key="PublicSOAPBaseUrl" value="" /> to <add key="PublicSOAPBaseUrl" value="https://webservices.domein.tld:8443/DynamicsNAV71/WS/&quot; /> would do the trick, but apparently, it does not. Also, when starting the service, the default URL's are displayed in the applicationlog, not the publicURL's.

Is my assumption wrong or am I doing something wrong?


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    These settings are there just for NAV to create correct context URL when you use the function creating url for active PAGE (from client menu or from code). Nothing else. To be able to access the server from public internet, you need to set correctly your infrastructure like firewalls, routers etc.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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