I am trying to copying Item master from one company to another new in the same database using "Setup Checklist" feature. The old company has some 15,000 items and only around 10,000 are copying. I tried several times and still the same.
What could be the reason? Have anyone experienced this?
"A bove maiore discit arare minor"-"From the old ox, the young one learns to plow."
I can see two obvious reasons:
1. Modification(s) in the Item Table in the OnInsert trigger might have caused the reported issue
2. Somene inserted/imported data into the Item table prior to the Copy Data
And one mere speculation: The user who copies data (into empty Item table) does not have permissions to read/insert Items with certains parameters, maybe dimension limit(s), blocked flag, etc.
Please note: Rather than going into too much detail, I would simply compare the two Item lists (2 different companies) and I would import the missing Items. Maybe the "missing items" will have something obvious in common...
Kind regards,
PS: Nav 2009, W1:
Form 531 Setup Checklist => Functions button => Copy Data...
=> Form 533 Copy Data, select Copy from
The form sets filters as follows:
Copying Available Yes
Licensed Table Yes
Licensed Form Yes
No. of Records 0
No. of Records (Source Table) <>0
On top one more, procedure: SetCompanyFilter => "Company Filter (Source Table)"
=> click OK
If you are really into this, you might like to inspect modifications in the following objects:
Table 27 Item
Form 531 Setup Checklist
Form 533 Copy Data
Codeunit 406 Setup Checklist Management
Codeunit 408 DimensionManagement