
Horse06Horse06 Member Posts: 496
edited 2014-05-21 in NAV Three Tier
Hi expert, I want to create a page on one table. In this table, I have a field (stage1) with datatype Boolean. In the page, I want to validate the field per the code below:
stage1- OnValidate()
IF stage1= TRUE THEN
A:= ;
Since I don't have the developer's license, I have a question for you experts. Do I need to declare stage1 on the C/AL code in the page before writing the OnValidate function? Thank you!


  • Horse06Horse06 Member Posts: 496
    Hi expert, The field control trigger OnValidate is already there when the page C/AL code is open, is it correct? Something like the OnAfterGetRecord (Data Items) Trigger after the C/AL code is open in the report. Please respond! Thank you!
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