Problem with not default printer

cyrus06cyrus06 Member Posts: 3
edited 2014-05-21 in NAV Three Tier
Hi everyone.

This is my first post on MIBUSO comunity.
I'm sorry in advanced for my English! :oops:

I have a problem during the print of any report (with NAV 2013) when:
1) I select "preview"
2) I push printer button (image1) and I select a printer define "not default" on windows control panel

The Result is: "Handle not valid" (image2).

Any suggestion?

Thank a lot.

P.S. If I set the printer on Setup Printer Selections, the issue is bypassed but, in my opinion, this isn't the better way to resolve the problem...


  • SiStSiSt Member Posts: 46
    Are you sure that the message has something to do with the printer you select?
    There is a timeout, if you wait too long between starting the preview and pressing the print button. Do you get the same error message if you press preview and print the report right away?
  • cyrus06cyrus06 Member Posts: 3
    SiSt wrote:
    Are you sure that the message has something to do with the printer you select?
    There is a timeout, if you wait too long between starting the preview and pressing the print button. Do you get the same error message if you press preview and print the report right away?

    Hi SiSt.

    I tryed to select the printer very quickly, but the message is the same.
    If I set the same printer as "default printer" and if I wait for 10/15 sec. between preview and print... the issue doesn't exist.
    It's very strange... ](*,)
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