Hi Everyone,
I think I'm missing something so simple but seem to be missing it and wondering if you all can help. I'm trying to modify report 10156 Purchase Order Status to be able to filter on the header for Purchaser Code. Users would like the report to show their PO's that are outstanding.
I've added the Purchase Header to the DataItem, and added the filter to the C/AL Globals and properties. Go the section to show up on the RequestForm.. but it does nothing :-(
I'm going to take a ball park guess and thinking I have to set some filters in the OnAfterGetRecord() portion but I'm stuck
Any direction would be grateful. Even a "hey go look at this report #??" would be really appreciated.. sorry but I just don't have much experience with reports and the online tutorials are just not helping. You are my only hope! :-)
Usually to do what you want the report to do, the dataitem should look this way:
Then set the DataItemLinkReference property accordingly, and Filter the Sales Header, this way only Lines, that apply to the filtered SalesHeader are processed.
Using a flow field as a filter works, but costs more processing time. And you have an additional field for a trivial reason.
with best regards