Dynamics NAV2013R2 High Availability

tzookitzooki Member Posts: 6
edited 2014-05-15 in NAV Three Tier
Hi everyone

I've been searching the web for information about some topics but couldn't really find anything useful regarding NAV high availability, fail over cluster etc'...

So here are my questions, hopefully some of you with better experience can enlighten me:

1. What are the options for installing NAV Services on multiple servers against the same Database for high availability?
2. Regarding the first question is it possible to have an automatic clients fail over in case one server fails, also is it possible to have an NLB between those two servers?
3. What is the recommended concurrent user count for a single service of NAV?
4. Would load balancing the web-client be a straight forward procedure like an NLB between 2 regular IIS websites or are there other considerations that should be taken in account?

A big thank you for anyone who can help!



  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    1. The servers can be configured into a Load-Balancing Cluster (NLB). This does not provide dynamic load-balancing but does provide a level of fault-tolerance.

    2. No. If a server fails, the users connected to that server lose their NAV connections. They need to reconnect. But, since it's a cluster, they don't need to remember a bunch of different server names.

    3. The number I've gotten from the Technical Advisory Service, at Microsoft, is 75 to 150 users. But they also said there's never been any real load testing so that was just a guess. They also had no recommendations on scaling up memory as the user count increases.

    4. I don't have a lot of experience with the Web Client. Just starting my first project, so I might be having some questions of my own. But in terms of your question, here's my thoughts. In terms of the IIS part, I don't see any reason that it would not support stuff like NLB or other common IIS approaches. In terms of the NAV Services, since it uses the same service as RTC, I think the above would apply.
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • tzookitzooki Member Posts: 6
    Thanks a lot for the answers - you helped me out :)

    Think i'm gonna try to install an NLB environment in a test and see how it works...

    Thanks again!
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