About a Duration field in a report

poppinspoppins Member Posts: 647
edited 2014-05-14 in NAV Three Tier
Hi everyone,

I am having a field of type duration in RTC report (NAV 2013).
The fields displays values like that:
124 days 4 hours 30 minutes 1 second 240 milliseconds
I don't want to have the seconds and the milliseconds displayed.
I there a way that I can get the fields displayed this way:
124 days 4 hours 30 minutes

Thanks in advance :)


  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    Save the value to a text variable and parse out the part you want to display?
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Than just "round" the value. It is number in milliseconds, thus make
      MyDur := MyDur - MyDur MOD 60000;
    and you are done.
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