Intrastat defaults

DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
edited 2014-05-14 in NAV Three Tier
I'm sure this has been done many times, but I can't really make sense of it. I'm working on defining default Intrastat values that would flow into purchase/sales orders during order entry. I would appreciate any suggestions on where to define the following fields:
Transaction Type
Transaction Specification
Transport Method - Shipment Method?
Entry/Exit Point - Order/Ship-to Address?
Area - Location? Order/Ship-to Address?


  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    Defaults heavily depend on the Country and the customers business. Not so easy...

    Most of these settings are not standardized in European Countries. Although I never found a country where 11 is not final sale/purchase (but in GB 11=10).

    Transaction Type, Transaction Specification
    Could be per location, per Return Reason Code, per line type (fixed assets), per module (sales, Purchase, lending, service). It depends on the NAV setup. Needs to be amended by the users.

    Transport Method
    I usually implement this on the shipping agent service code. Shipment Method (FOB, CIF, EXW) doesn't say much about how the goods were transported.

    Entry/Exit Point
    Could be on the Vendor/Order Adress, Customer/Ship-To.

    Same as Entry/Exit Point but also Company Info.

    I did Intrastat Programming for DE, FR, GB, NL, BE, ES. Some things are identical, some are different. Every country has it's own data format and ideas what they want to be reported.
    BE is very strict when it comes to comparing VAT decalration and Intrastat, in GB they are not that strict, in Germany it should match by +-10%.

    Hope this helps a little.
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    Thank you Frank, that helps. I'm going to suggest this:
    Transaction Type - "Default Transaction Type" in Sales & Marketing Setup for sales and one in Purchase & Payable Setup for purchases
    Transaction Specification - "Default Transaction Specification" on the Transaction Type table
    Transport Method - "Default Transport Method" in the Shipment Method table
    Entry/Exit Point - "Default Entry/Exit Point" in the Country/Region table
    Area - "Default Area" in the Location table

    Then add validation logic to the purchase/sales header to get those default values related to the Shipment Method, Country and Location codes. Any problems with that approach?
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    I think your idea works more or less for sales and purchase. Most customers only report Transaction type "Finale Sale" and a matching Transaction Specification for all inbound and outbound transactions.
    DenSter wrote:
    Transaction Type - "Default Transaction Type" in Sales & Marketing Setup for sales and one in Purchase & Payable Setup for purchases
    Fine - this will add the 11 (GB 10) to all docs. Should be ok even if sales are at 0 value (=34 at least in BE and DE, but that depends on whom you ask)
    DenSter wrote:
    Transaction Specification - "Default Transaction Specification" on the Transaction Type table
    That should be ok
    DenSter wrote:
    Transport Method - "Default Transport Method" in the Shipment Method table
    As I wrote, I would add this to the shipping agent service, not shipment metod. But it might work for your customer. Depends on Setup.
    DenSter wrote:
    Entry/Exit Point - "Default Entry/Exit Point" in the Country/Region table
    Area - "Default Area" in the Location table
    This depends on customers country - In most countries Area it is the customers area for purchases (comes from company info) and the area 99 for exports (fixed) - No need to have it on the location.

    Does the customer have locations in several different EU countries? Then what about transfers? Consignment stock?
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    :mrgreen: as it turns out there is no consensus as to where the defaults should be so we decided to not specify this at the moment. We are going to add some logic to the posting routines to make sure that the intrastat fields have values if any of the items have a Tariff number. To be continued in the future I'm sure.

    Thank you very much for your help Frank, I appreciate you taking the time for me.
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    DenSter wrote:
    We are going to add some logic to the posting routines to make sure that the intrastat fields have values if any of the items have a Tariff number.
    That is actually the most practical way. In fact for some customers I have added it to the Get Entries Batch :mrgreen:
    Finance people are interested in the finance setup, all sales guys are interested in Sales Statistics but absolutely no one cares about Intrastat. And in most companies there is simply no one who knows how Intrastat works.
    Maintaining Tariff Numbers :roll: You will end up adding something to the Get Entries Batch...
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,304
    Do you mean to add the intrastat values into the intrastat journal when you run Get Entries? For receipts/shipments that posted without intrastat values?
  • FDickschatFDickschat Member Posts: 380
    That's what I meant. There will always be items without or with wrong Tariff Numbers. You will end up with ILEs with no Intrastat values and as no one knows how to handle Intrastat or what to fill into the fields in the journal they will ask you to do some automagic.
    Frank Dickschat
    FD Consulting
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