When i want to return invoiced sales order it is accept to return order and applied to doc no is blank and applies document type
is blank how i know which document sales invoice returned
and how to block invoiced sales order from returned where not have applies to document no in sales return order and after
posted sales invoice returned
if possible help me why applies to document no blank when return order and after post
and how to prevent or block invoiced sales order from returned more when applies to document no is blank in sales return order
I ask you this question above because i see applies doc type and applies document no is blank
after i using copy document in return sales order form and no customization happen in program
and in table sales.credit memo also doesnot exist both applies doc type and applies document no
can you tell me if possible why this field not exist in credit memo return order
In NAV 2009, the two fields are existing in the sales credit memo table also
i work in navision 2009 r2
and when i make return order
header select customer no
line :function copy document
posted invoice
document no
then ok
it give me all details exception applies to doc no and applies to doc type
that happen in some invoices not all but i dont know why this happen