Strange issue in NAV ; please help

Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 568
I have been using NAV long time but never faced this issue.

In the printer selection table when I enter User IDs which is windows logins in User ID field I get no issue.

But when other user in his computer enters his own user id it comes up with a slash '\' in front of it.

If user id is DOMAIN\Mibuso for example is his user id , when he enters his user id there it comes up with Mibuso\ in the field. Also it happens when entering the record into printer selection from a code in NAV. I believe because of this reason some functionalities which involves printer selection table are not working for him only. He is been using the system for several years with same ID. nothing was changed in the system and i checked that. The issue came up all of sudden.

Its only that user having this issue from rest of 30 users.

Any one faced that issue? What we can do to solve it? I even deleted his user from navision and sql server then recreated the login but no result.

please help.
United Kingdom


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    it means that the user's computer has same name as his login. NAV will take the computer name instead the user id. It is why it adds the backslash. If it is this case, you need to enter the user id including domain (domain\userid). Than it will work correctly.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 568
    Yes this is exactly the reason of the issue. I will try to fix it now :

    Thanks, this is great.
    United Kingdom
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