While doing an upgrade, i came across this piece of code in OnInsert trigger of a table
"Location Code" := GetAllowedLocationFilter();
Based on the customisation elsewhere in the DB, I think this was done to save the allowed location code irrespective of selected location code. I think this is a bad idea and the filter should have implemented in the form.
will the above FILTERGROUP stuff work on a table?
The first FILTERGROUP command switches to the filter group 2. I think the command GetAllowedLocationFilter will read out a filter set in this group and assigns it to the "Location Code" field. Afterwards it switches back to the default FILTERGROUP.
FILTERGROUP 2 is usually used in Forms.
So my guess: If you're in a form or subform with a TableView or DataItemLink and you insert a new record, then the value from the filter is used to set the "Location Code" field to the filtered value.
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