Run CU or any object gives new session always

sundfarsundfar Member Posts: 28
edited 2014-05-16 in NAV Three Tier

When I run any object from finsql.exe, I first get this Notice:

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Security Notice
You are about to connect to 'nav2013r2' on server '###########', which is not your current default connection setting.

This can create a security risk.

Do you want to continue?
Yes No
After answering Yes, a new instance of RTC is started and shows the object I ran.

Db on one server, Service tier and client on another server.

Best regards Gunnar


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    The Dialog is displayed because you have some other server or instance written in the "ClientUserSettings.config" in your profile.

    The new instance is started each time, and I have problems with this too (NAV 2013 R2).
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • clauslclausl Member Posts: 455
    Are you runninig RollUp 3 , 4 or 5?

    /Claus Lundstrøm
    Claus Lundstrøm | MVP | Senior Product Manager |
    I'm blogging here: and used to blog here:
    I'm also offering RDLC Report Training, ping me if you are interested. Thanks to the 700 NAV developers that have now already been at my training. You know you can always call if you have any RDLC report issues :-)
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • Rob_HansenRob_Hansen Member Posts: 296
    This is a bit off topic, but still related to the fact that we at times need to run codeunits or processing reports in client environments that need a partner/developer license. Since the change to launching/running in the RTC when running from the development environment, i'd really like to see a new C/AL command for:

    CHANGELICENSE(<new license.flf file path/name>);

    This would take effect for the new session that is launched, and would enable us to run objects to update client data with our license.

    Has anyone suggested anything along this line already? I'm hopefully Microsoft is continuing to work on product changes to make our lives as partners as easy as they once were (relatively is never easy!).

    (And please don't tell me to use SQL when these sorts of updates are's not as easy, and the whole point is still wanting to trigger NAV table logic)
  • sundfarsundfar Member Posts: 28
    Hi, all. Running rollup 5. I changed the server name to FQDN in the ClientUserSettings.config. Now the warning is suppressed, but it still opens a new session for each object I run.

  • sundfarsundfar Member Posts: 28
    Found a solution.

    Discussed in another thread:

    which links to: ... -2013.aspx

  • brunellibrunelli Member Posts: 9
    tnx for the hint. I saw the blog post, but assumed it is not covering a problem I have (NAV2013 / 2013R2 side-by-side installation). Now I saw at the end of the blog post, that this script does fix the problem I have with new sessions when starting objects in the DEV. Problem solved. This fix works fine on my installations.

    This is a common problem on productive installations. Partners are constantly in danger, that by adding the partner license, suddenly endusers work also with the partner license by accident. I just can describe how we deal with it:
    We always add at least one separate NST for administration (partner) use only. No port sharing, all NST have a own range of ports.
    - NAV2013-LIVE (For users working with client license, depending on number of users, more than one NST)
    - NAV2013-LIVE-ADMIN (For partner use only)
    To prevent that normal users can connect to the NAV2013-LIVE-ADMIN NST, I just block/deactivate the ports of NAV-2013-LIVE-ADMIN on the Firewall.

    To load the dev licence into the NAV2013-LIVE-ADMIN NST i created a powershell script:
    Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\71\Service\NavAdminTool.ps1'
    if (
        ((Get-Service -Name 'MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$NAV2013-LIVE-ADMIN').status -eq "Running") -and
        ((Get-Service -Name 'MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$NAV2013-LIVE').status -eq "Running")
        Import-NAVServerLicense NAV2013-LIVE-ADMIN -LicenseData ([Byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path "C:\CustomPath\Partner-License.flf" -Encoding Byte))
        Restart-Service 'MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$NAV2013-LIVE-ADMIN'
        Import-NAVServerLicense NAV2013-LIVE -LicenseData ([Byte[]]$(Get-Content -Path "C:\CustomerPath\Customer-License.flf" -Encoding Byte))
        Write-Host "OK - Partner license loaded."
        Write-Host "ERROR - Services not running."

    The dev license should never be loaded permanantly into the database!! If I need it in the dev client, I use "Change" in "License Information". I NEVER use the "Upload" function in dev client. When starting objects out of dev environement, based on my needs, I select the NST of my desire unter "Server Instance" in the "Database Information".

    Note: When the server or NST is restartet, the NAV2013-LIVE-ADMIN NST always works with the client license. I just change it when I need it.

    How do other partners come around with this issue? Any suggestions?
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