1. Export the report as text.
2. Remove the whole RDLDATA section from the text file.
3. Remove the REQUESTPAGE section from the file.
4. Remove all DataSetFieldName properties from the file (can be tedious).
5. Import the Report into NAV5.
I've some regular expressions that you can use with a text editor like Notepad++ to remove the RDLDATA sections and I think the DataSetFieldNames if you want downgrade more than one report. I'll post them tomorrow, when I'm in the office.
There are also INDATASET attributes for global variables that can be replaced by using the search & replace functionality of any text editor.
If you miss an INDATASET attribute you'll get an error message that states that your license does not allow the use of the data type boolean, for example.
a few things will be required:
1. Export the report as text.
2. Remove the whole RDLDATA section from the text file.
3. Remove the REQUESTPAGE section from the file.
4. Remove all DataSetFieldName properties from the file (can be tedious).
5. Import the Report into NAV5.
with best regards
There are also INDATASET attributes for global variables that can be replaced by using the search & replace functionality of any text editor.
If you miss an INDATASET attribute you'll get an error message that states that your license does not allow the use of the data type boolean, for example.
http://www.sist.biz/en/ [en] | http://www.sist.biz [de]
I once again, thank you for the help.
Warm regards