NAV2013R2 - Connecting the Client over WAN

tzookitzooki Member Posts: 6
edited 2014-05-07 in NAV Three Tier
Hi everyone

I'm new here and hope that someone could help me out.

I'm trying to set-up a sort of hosted environment in which the RoleTailored Client would be able to authenticate with a remote server over WAN. Now i know this requires a certificate and i have successfully done this in a testing environment using this walk-through:
during which i used the makecert.exe utility - this worked great but i cannot use this in a production environment.

I'm not a certificate expert at all and i'm just failing to understand the process that needs to be done in the production environment walk-through:

How exactly do i get the "service certificate" from a CA? Is it a regular SSL certificate or something else? I got a 30-day trial certificate from GeoTrust and already have it but i just can't figure out the process of installing it properly - I imported it to the "Local Machine>Personal>Certificates" but the "Manage Private Keys" option is missing so I'm stuck at the beginning of the walk-through.

I'm pretty sure that i'm just missing out some parts of the whole process with the Certificates but i just can't figure out what :|

I would very much appreciate any help you can offer especially if someone has done this and can explain it to me, as I'm seriously starting to lose it ](*,)

Many thanks, Michael.


  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Yes, you need the ssl certificate. In most cases when you request certificate from some CA, the private key is stored on the machine from which you made the request. Import the certificate on it, than you can export it including the private key. Or some CA have process named "re-key" or something like that, where you can create the certificate with new private key. Than you can import it to you computer. It means, you need first to solve the problem with private key. Than you can use the certificate for the NAV service tier.
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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  • tzookitzooki Member Posts: 6
    Thanks for the help!

    I think i have managed to do it finally - seems like there was something wrong with the certificate i was using was. After receiving a new certificate i was able to configure it with NavUsePassword authentication and login successfully. I didn't check the WAN connectivity because port 7046 is still closed at the clients site but i hope that it will work :)

    Thanks again.
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