Formatting Variant Variables into Type

aleix1979aleix1979 Member Posts: 213
I am retreiving data from an external program.

I get the information via a Variant Variable. No surprises here.

Navision Help descrives Variant variables usage (to insert data and to pass data from one external application into another) but if you are interacting with an application, you will actually consider very valuable thing to be able to pass this into a regular variable and actually use it. :shock:

I can read single datatypes directly, but cannot get the components of, say, a class. :shock: (or just a set of data).

The only way Navision Help seems to allow you to retreive diferent fields from a compact set is by using the InStrean.READ function (like that in the help) but InStream variables can only be set by BLOB or File variables. :cry:

Any ideas anyone? :-k Though stuff here! :-k
Navision Developer


  • aleix1979aleix1979 Member Posts: 213
    Any ideas?

    The library returns data in types (let's say arrays of strings) but doesn't provide with the type definitions so you can declare a variable of that particular type.

    Navision Developer
  • ViljoenViljoen Member Posts: 6
    I am sitting with the same issue when I retrieve information from some variant types E.g I am using an ADO connector to retrieve data out of a SQL environment. C/AL provide data conversion functions for DATE but not for decimal fields with special formating ](*,)
    Francois Viljoen
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