Hello all,
I am NAV developer with two years experience. I am working with an old version of Navision Attain 3.7 converted to Navision 5 (to use more modern client). Recently I decided to take some certification. There are three main reasons for this:
1. My company encourages me to take certification
2. I see that certification is often prerequisite when one tries to find a new job
3. While preparing to exams I improve my expertise in NAV and learn new stuff. This is the main reason why I want to take exams.
I want to start with C/SIDE Introduction exam. However I am not sure whether I should pass certification for NAV2009 or NAV2013. I found a topic on mibuso: (
http://mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=57487) with the following comment:
According to the blog post below your NAV developer certification Will no longer be valid on October 2013.
I searched the internet but I didn't find any information which confirms that NAV2009 certification will not be valid soon. Is it true or not? Which version of NAV is to choose?
I am afraid that if I take NAV2013 certification there might be so great difference between what I will learn and what I am currently work with (Navision 3.7) that it will make the whole certification useless.
Can you please advise me?
Kindly do the certification on NAV2013. If you will do the certification on NAV2009 so it's not valuable..!!!
Thanks for your reply!
Experts, could anyone else offer an opinion? Any suggestions would be very appriciated!
I think at this moment worth investing time in 2013 exams.
Thanks for your reply and the link!
well.... it is officially correct - but in this case, you could say "yes, but...." in Germany - so far my experience -
are only 4 exams are avaiable for NAV2013.
And - unfortunately to say so - I tried the "Finance" one in German and experienced that there are again some translation
mistakes included, which makes this exam unneccessarily difficult.
It would be interesting to know, if NAV8 is coming in Q4/2014 - if yes, I will wait for the first "8er" exams...
many kind regards
Sonja Klimke
Oslostr. 2
44269 Dortmund
Did you attemp the exam in German language and not in English?
Does anyone know what the pass mark is? Is it 70 or 80%?
I would surely recommend you to take all exams for NAV2013. Not only will certifications for NAV2009 retire and won´t be no more beneficial for you. But also if your company is official partner with Microsoft, it can try to get gold or silver partnership because of certificated personal (some partnership require companies to have people with certifications on the newest versions of their software).
I´ve got C/SIDE Development and Installation and Configuration, both had pass mark of 700 points. But I really don´t know the maximum amount of points, I guess 1000.
I wish you good luck
Thank you for your comments, you cleared away all my doubts! I will definitely take NAV2013 certification.
someone can share me Mod03\Labfiles\Lab 3.A, I'm studing for certification, but I'm not a partener, so I can't download.
Thanks for your replay.