SQL Query differences between Job Card and Customer Card

jordi79jordi79 Member Posts: 278
edited 2014-04-25 in NAV Three Tier
I noticed that there is a slight lag when I opened a Job Card in NAV, but there is no such lag when I open a Customer Card. Therefore I used the Profiler to debug this matter further. Upon closer examination it just appears that the Select Statement for the Job Card is taking 2 times longer than Customer Card. But not only that, I realised that the NAV structured the SQL select statement differently between JobCard and CustomerCard. For JobCard the Select statement starts like:
SELECT "timestamp","Entry No_","Job No_","Posting Date","Document No_","Type","No_","Description","Quantity"....

While for CustomerCard the Select statement starts like:
SELECT TOP (50) ISNULL("Customer"."timestamp",@0) AS "timestamp",ISNULL("Customer"."No_",@1) AS "No_",ISNULL("Customer"."Name",@2)...

I also tried with ItemCard and the select statement for ItemCard is similar to CustomerCard. I checked the properties in the CustomerCard and JobCard page for any differences in properties, but they are the same.

I suspect that the difference in performance in opening these 2 cards arise from the SQL statement. But what could have caused the different SQL select statements?


  • jordi79jordi79 Member Posts: 278
    Sorry guys... there were some customisations done to the Job Card. So don't know if that could trigger the differences in SQL statement.
  • einsTeIn.NETeinsTeIn.NET Member Posts: 1,050
    Did you figure out if the different SQL statement belongs to your customisation?

    I could imagine that it's because on the Customer Card the OnFindRecord trigger contains some Code. The FIND statement should return a recordset of 50 records (based on your database caching setup, default is 50) which would explain the TOP (50) statement. But that doesn't explain why the statement is the same in the Item Card.
    "Money is likewise the greatest chance and the greatest scourge of mankind."
  • jordi79jordi79 Member Posts: 278
    I could not figure out why the SQL select statement is different. But I found why the Job Card opened slower than the Customer Card. It is due to some customisation that was done. So it was not related to the SQL statement. But however, the SELECT statement is different between Job Card and Customer card. But since my problem is solved, I am moving on... :)
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