In Outlook 2000 I have put som vba behind a form. This is because we need to categorize each E-mail that is send.
But, when I send an E-mail from Financials it doesn't use the form with the code behind. It uses a standard Outlook form. Why?
Is it somewhere in the registration database..
<img border="0" title="" alt="" src="images/smiles/icon_confused.gif" />
You will have to define and publish your new form in Outlook. After that, you will be able to get this form in Navision by using "MessageClass" on your Outlook Item :
e.g. IF OutlookAppointmentItem.MessageClass <> 'IPM.Appointment.Registration' THEN
If you have defined new fields in your form, you can access them through UserProperties :
OutlookUPS := OutlookAppointmentItem.UserProperties;
I guess this should do it.
Greetz !
May the source be with you