In the NAV manuals, menusuite ranges are assigned as follows:
10/1010 MBS
20/1020 Region
30/1030 Country
51/1051 Add-on 1 -> 60 Add-on 10
80/1080 Partner
90/1090 Company
Every ISV I have worked with so far has provided their menusuites in the 51 to 60 range.
Is this a requirement or recommendation for ISVs?
As you can guess from my subject, Avalara is providing 90 and 1090 for their menusuites, so I am wondering if I am wrong in asking them to move it to an ISV range?
What is the usual and correct practice?
I think you're right. Add-Ons should be in the 50..60 range. Ours would be shipped with 60/1060 by default.
with best regards
Never stop learning
Van Vugt's dynamiXs
Dutch Dynamics Community
It has been 2 years since my previous experience with them. It looks like they did a major rewrite to the NAV portion.
So I would love to read your list of improvements.
PRS and Design Patterns are words they have never heard of.
I noticed they still do not use the built in hooks Microsoft has so kindly made for external sales tax engines, even though they spent time on a significant update to their code.
Unfortunately, sales tax has become extremely complicated for many businesses operating in multiple states and jursidictions in the USA.
for Avalara AddOn Menusuite, we share 10 menusuites, wherein we mentioned that Customer can only import single MenuSuite into database(ID which is not consumed by any other ISV in that database).
as compare to last 3 years, we have improved our code base with code improvements (like reduce completed time and added various features), but still we have noted areas which will be fixed in upcoming releases.
Sachin Chavan
link is not working. We are in code rewrite phase, also we are analyzing usage of external engine hook.
Sachin Chavan