Error en ejecucion planificador: System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: Se llamó al Id. de función 1000000000. El objeto con el Id. 99000919 no tiene un miembro con ese Id. en System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse(SoapClientMessage message, WebResponse response, Stream responseStream, Boolean asyncCall) en System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName, Object[] parameters) en Planificador.Negocio.PlanificadorTareas.PlanificadorDeTareas() en Planificador.Servicios.srvWinPlanificador.miTimer_Elapsed(Object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) Para obtener más información, vea el Centro de ayuda y soporte técnico en
CASE JobSchedSetup."Object Type" OF jobschedsetup."Object Type"::Codeunit: begin if'2' then begin; JobSchedSetup."Message Text" := 'OK'; end; end; END;
Is c50141 is a custom codeunit, isn't it?
thanks for the answer.
this clients runs on forms and i haven´t changed anything.
yep that codeunit is custom but it runs perfectly from object designer.
I tried to put message('error here') but it doesn´t raise as error in event viewer, so I can´t trace where is that error.
Do not forget that webservices are using pages and not forms. It means, if there is form reffered somewhere in the code, than page with same ID and functionality must exists. And of course, webservice will error out on it because you cannot use pages inside webservice (it is problem of some standard code which calls functions from forms/pages even when do not show the form itself...).
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Holy dust! I didn´t know that... I just checked and the code developed in the form is not in the page as they don´t use pages. Code coverage shows that it uses some functions from there.
Thanks a lot for the help.
Thanks for the help.
Now it seems like it doesn´t hang up there but no error is given on service event viewer . So, no clue...
It works like this:
-web service calls a custom CU
-This custom CU looks what jobs need to be run (codeunits) and does a
-it works for the rest of tasks (CUs). It´s just a single CU not working.
any ideas?
MVP - Dynamics NAV
removed all dialogs already. when running manually nothing is displayed.
we plan to keep a form running with ontimer event as it´s already in use for other tasks.