WordManagement Codeunit

lizetalizeta Member Posts: 7
does anybody know how to add a new field to the WordManagement codeunit?


  • AlbertvhAlbertvh Member Posts: 516
    Hi Lizeta

    In the following functions of the codeunit you will have to add code after the "WITH wrdMergefile DO BEGIN" statement

    AddField(Table.TABLECAPTION + ' ' + Table.FIELDCAPTION("New Field"));

    AddField(Table."New Field");

    AddField(Table."New Field");

    Hope this helps

  • lizetalizeta Member Posts: 7
    Hi Albert,
    I have already tried it but it does not work.It appears the following message:
    "You have specified an unknown variable
    Define the variable under "Global C/AL Symbols"
    The specific variable was already used.
    Do you have any idea what i have to do?
    Thanks in advance!
  • AlbertvhAlbertvh Member Posts: 516
    Hi Lizeta,

    Not sure as I have not come across this problem in 3.70 or 4.00. I also added new fields to this and have no problem.
    I would suggest that you run with the debugger on without the break on
    trigger and see where in the codeunit you get this error.
    I have exported the codeunit to a text file and searched for "OpenDataSource2000" but didn't find it. Is this perhaps a modification
    that has been done at your site?

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