Hello Everyone,
Is it possible to return the only the Quantity Shipped Not Invoiced on Sales Documents.
The Scenario is like this:
I am shipping the Item A with 1000 Liters, and it happens all the time that i ship at the customer point thay say that are not 1000 liter but 950, so at the end of the month i have to invoice customer just with 950 quantity, and when i do it Quantity Shipped Not Invoiced stays 50 and i cant delete the order.
How can I return this 50 Liters without returning the invoice.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Best Regards,
I have tried that function but it only works if No quantity has been invoiced. In my case 95% of quantity is invoiced and just 5% i have to cancel.
Any idea?
Best Regards,
You mean to post from that sales order that was done that shipping, -50 quantity ... and to post it as shippment?
Then the stock and amount will be right.
Sorry to bump up this old topic, but I have the same problem at the moment. I Have 4 sales orders where about 99 % of the quantity has been invoiced. The remaining 1% is still shown in the list 'Sent/not invoiced'. I would now like to clean up this list. Would it be a good way to just make an invoice for these remaining quantities and put in 0 EUR as unit cost? Which effectively would make it an invoice with a total of 0 EUR.