NAV vs SQL Schema mismatch Dynamics NAV 2013 R2

xSwazixSwazi Member Posts: 31
edited 2014-04-01 in NAV Three Tier
After importing objects from my development environment to customer Live, T37 will not run nor compile. Restarting the Service has made the problem worse as RTC will not run.

In both cases, I get the error: "Either the parameter @objname is ambiguous or the claimed @objtype (COLUMN) is wrong".

Investigations show that a new field added in our development environment 50028 "Badge Position" is showing in the NAV table, however, it is not showing on the SQL tables (per company). I have tried in NAV to delete the column, rename it, add a new column with the same name. Every time I get the same message and or the table will not compile. I have also tried to reimport the table a few times. Same problem.

How do I fix the table or reset the SQL definition of the table?



  • jensthomsenjensthomsen Member Posts: 173
    Have you tried compiling all of the objects in the database - or "Build server Application Objects" from the tool menu?
  • xSwazixSwazi Member Posts: 31
    Yes quite a few times. That has not worked. I get the error each time.
  • davmac1davmac1 Member Posts: 1,283
    Have you tried adding the new field (after setting prevent data loss to no) to the live system object before doing your import? It will also let you see if there is any other cause for the problem.
    (Not the ideal solution, but at least it might get you past your current problem.)
  • thegunzothegunzo Member Posts: 274
    You might need to manually add the field to the SQL table to get the sync started.
    Gunnar Gestsson
    Microsoft Certified IT Professional
    Dynamics NAV MVP
  • Rob_HansenRob_Hansen Member Posts: 296
    The new table sync paradigm outlined on the NAV team blog may come into play here:
  • xSwazixSwazi Member Posts: 31
    Thank you for all the tips and advice. Had help from Microsoft...How do you make this solved?

    The problem was to do with Object Metadata and Object Metadata Snapshot not being in sync for the object in question (A change in NAV not sent to SQL). The Hash values did not agree. The fix was to stop the service, add the field causing the problem into the table in each company in SQL. Copy the hash value from Snapshot to Metadata. Sync Tenant in PowerShell. Then reimport the object in NAV. Compile and Sync Tenant again.

    This must be done no one else on the database. Take an SQL backup before doing any of this. After each change Sync Tenant (you can not do it enough).

    This all said I would ask Microsoft if you have this problem, or wait for the official help. Better yet use the latest version of NAV 2013 R2. Hope this helps someone at some stage.
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