Exce automation when Data Item is the same but it has Loops

fmhiguefmhigue Member Posts: 290
edited 2005-05-16 in Navision Attain
I got report 50011 Cash Applied. Report Designer looks like this

DataItem Name
Cust. Ledger Entry <Cust. Ledger Entry>
Cust. Ledger Entry FirstLoop
Cust. Ledger Entry SecondLoop
Cust. Ledger Entry ThirdLoop
Integer <Integer>

My question is when I try to send it to Excel how can I choose SecondLoop information.



  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    SecondLoop informations you have in SecondLoop dataitem triggers... I do not understand, where is the problem... #-o
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • fmhiguefmhigue Member Posts: 290
    The three loops use the same table and when I use Document No. It show payment no. but what about If I need Document No for the invoice. That info is on the second loop
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Still I am not understanding what you want to reach. What is your target? Can you write some small example of the things, you want to have in excel?

    :?: :-s
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • fmhiguefmhigue Member Posts: 290
    The report is call Cash Receipts Applied USD. This report gives you all payments applied on the period you select.

    The report shows Payment No, Payment Posting Date, Payment Amount, Invoice No., Invoice Posting Date, Amount Applied, Amount Applied in Pesos, Gain or Loss depending on Exchange rate factors.

    I need the following fields to go to Excel.

    Customer No.
    Customer Name
    Payment No.
    Payment Posting Date
    Payment Amount
    Invoice No.
    Invoice Posting Date
    Invoice Amount

    But all these information is on Cust. Ledger Entry.
    My concern is how to select for example Payment No. If I do it on the first DataItem Line.

    DataItem Name
    Cust. Ledger Entry <Cust. Ledger Entry>

    I got the right Payment No. but to get Invoice No. I need to get it from SecondLoop

    Excuse me but my english is not that well and try to explain myself is kind of confusing.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    What is doing fisrt, second etc. loop? What is the reason for these loops? Something as:

    FirstLoop - searching for Payment Nos.
    SecondLoop - searching for Invoices...???

    Thanks for more info...
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
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    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • fmhiguefmhigue Member Posts: 290
    DataItem Name
    Cust. Ledger Entry <Cust. Ledger Entry>

    SORTING(Document Type,Customer No.,Posting Date) WHERE(Document Type=FILTER(Payment|' '),Currency Code=FILTER(USD),Source Code=CONST(CASHRECJNL))

    DataItem Name
    Cust. Ledger Entry FirstLoop
    SORTING(Entry No.)
    Payment closed by an invoice. Current payment being process.

    DataItem Name
    Cust. Ledger Entry SecondLoop
    SORTING(Closed by Entry No.)

    DataItem Name
    Cust. Ledger Entry ThirdLoop
    SORTING(Closed by Entry No.) WHERE(Document Type=CONST(Invoice))
    Invoices closed by other invoices.
    This loop points out errors.
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    I am not sure I understood your problem, but in you are in the third loop and want to acces fields of the second loop, you have to use the name of the second loop as recordname and then the fieldname.

    SecondLoop."Document No." (this should be the invoice no.)
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • fmhiguefmhigue Member Posts: 290
    That was exactly what I was looking for. !

    I appreciate your help

  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    Oh, I was looking for something hard and it was only this... :whistle:

    I must stop to see problems in a complicated way and keep my mind simple... 8)
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • fmhiguefmhigue Member Posts: 290
    Next time I swear I will try to explain myself better. You know this language issue sometimes is a problem.

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