Is there a way to find Sales Invoice No from Sales Shipment no. I am trying to create an item ledger entry report and user insists that (if it is a sale) the related Invoice No to be printed instead of the Shipment from Item Ledger Entry. He also raise several shipment and invoices for single order (part delivery).
Please help
Thank you for the reply. This manager too swore that they raise invoice per shipment :shock: (they select Ship and Invoice every time). Being the negative inventory blocked, they adjust the Qty to Ship in sales order to match the available quantity. When the inventory is available again they do the same thing for remaining item.
Required format is like this I cannot figure out how map the invoice no for that Shipment no. If I use the Order No, I ended up picking the first invoice and really not sure that would be the invoice for that quantity/transaction.
Thank you advance
you should find at least one record where the [Document No.] is the invoice number.
By the way I forgot to mentioned this installation is still 4.0 SP3.