Item Invoicing FactBox - NAV 2009 R2

rico1931rico1931 Member Posts: 295
edited 2014-03-27 in NAV Three Tier
Hello everyone,

Wondering if someone could help me modify Page 9089 - Item Invoicing FactBox. The user would like to see the field Quantity on Hand for each location. The user only has 3 locations so I figured making 3 lines with each location and "Filter" it based on the Bin Content table. I'm really not seeing an easy way to do this and wondering if I'm just looking at this the wrong way.

Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


  • ReinhardReinhard Member Posts: 249
    I made a FactBox based on Locations, and then added in an "Item No. Filter" and a "Qty. On Hand" flowfield...
  • rico1931rico1931 Member Posts: 295
    hmmm... Would it be possible to explain how you did that a little? I've never made a new FactBox before, so I started making a new form first and pretty much copying the others except this one has SourceTable as "Location"

    Not sure how to add the "Item No." Filter to the properties box. I figure this would require the same steps for the Qty on Hand

    Sorry for the Noob questions, just new to this.

  • ReinhardReinhard Member Posts: 249
    I see. OK, to backtrack, what you suggested originally should work.

    If you want, you can make a quick 'n dirty solution by just adding three new fields to the item.

    Copy + paste the "Qty. On Hand" field (or sometimes it's called Inventory) and then modify the the CalcFormula by adding a filter for each of the Locations to each of the new fields you add.

    This won't work if they are ever going to change any of their locations but it is quick and easy.

    Also, try taking a look at "Availability by Location" from the item card. It may give you some ideas.
    - Reinhard
  • rico1931rico1931 Member Posts: 295
    Hi Reinhard,

    I see what you mean. Modify the Item table by adding the "Inventory" field and modifying the CalcFormula Filter for the location. Def the quick and simple way :-)

    But like you said, won't work if they ever change locations and if we add more locations I'll have to maintain this :-(

    I do like what you said about the availability by locations from the Item card. This is EXACTLY the type of info I want to present in a FactBox. I'm going to go testing away and seeing if I can figure out how to pull this info into a FactBox some how.

    Any help would be useful but thanks so far! :-)
  • rico1931rico1931 Member Posts: 295
    Can someone confirm my way of thinking for this new FactBox I want to make?

    1) Create table with functions to display data I want
    2) Create form in classic <- User only uses RTC
    3) Create Page FactBox
    4) Link FactBox to overview page where the FactBox will be displayed and add SubPageLink to properties.

    Sorry, just really interested in this and want to learn as much as possible.

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