"Invalid column name" when migrating to NAV2013 R2

PachiPachi Member Posts: 25
edited 2014-03-21 in NAV Three Tier
When migrating from NAV 2009 SP1 to 2013 R2 following steps defined in…


… and after convertig database to 2013 R2 and importing new and personalized objects, we get following error trying to open Windows Client:

The following SQL error was unexpected.

Invalid column name 'Queue Folder Path'.

Invalid column name 'Queue Folder UID'.

Invalid column name 'Storage Folder Path'.

Invalid column name 'Storage Folder UID'.

Invalid column name 'Autodiscovery E-Mail Address'.

Invalid column name 'Email Batch Size'.

Statement(s) could not be prepared.

All these fields are in table 5079 – Marketing Setup

We have tried to export a FOB file, delete Object Metadata table registers for T5079 but unsuccessfully.

Afterwards, following the same steps, we have released that SQL takes some time in updating fields in this table. Only after several minutes, SQL update this fields.

Afterwards, again, uploading other objects, SQL takes a long time (hours) to update fields… so we cannot continue. We have modified the following line in configsettings…

<add key="SqlCommandTimeout" value="00:30:00" />

… to setup several hours, but unsuccesfully.

Could anyone help us with some kind of orientation?

Thank you,


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