Report Job - Transaction Detail - avoid printing header

hru71hru71 Member Posts: 13
edited 2014-03-21 in NAV Three Tier

I've been struggling a while with this issue: Customer wants report 1007 to skip pages where Job has no entries, but still count and show pagenumber total (no grouping pageno as in document reports).

I have tried different approaches for filters in layout, visibility on rows and tablix, but so far I have not been able to avoid having a page printed with &Globals!PageNumber and User!UserID.
Since Globals!PageNumber only can be used in header I cannot skip the Page Header.
Running out of ideas, so hope anyone can give some new input ?


  • clauslclausl Member Posts: 455
    Why not just set "PrintOnlyIfDetail"=Yes on the "Job" Dataitem in NAV?

    /Claus Lundstrøm
    Claus Lundstrøm | MVP | Senior Product Manager |
    I'm blogging here: and used to blog here:
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  • hru71hru71 Member Posts: 13
    Thanks Claus, this was my first try to an solution, but it doesn't prevent the header and Captions of colomns to be shown. Even setting Visibility to Hide on all rows in the tablix the header will still be both shown in preview and printed. I guess I have som lack in understanding when the header is rendered.
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